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Re: Date-Header Years-In-The-PAST-Or-Future problem

2003-07-18 13:37:22
At 22:13 2003-07-18 +0200, Michelle Konzack wrote:

Now I like to filter the messages in the right folder with procmail
and if a YYYY-MM forlder does not exist, it must be created automaticly.

Question 1:     How can I create automaticly folders ?

By reading this list (where dated folders was a recent topic), or the 'man procmailex' at least, where this is also explicitly described.

Quesion 2:      How can I correct the broken Date-Headers ?
                (I do not like to have Mailboxes from 1970 to 2028)

There have been posts to this list (which has a searchable archive) describing both how to detect bogus date headers, and how to use the From_ header to recreate a date header when it is deemed to be bogus.

Personally, I use the Date: header as an indicator of spammishness - more often than not, when it is significantly out of sync with reality, it's spam. And, if instead, it is just some dumbass who can't set his clock properly, I probably don't want to see what he's writing anyway.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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