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Re: Sobig F time error

2003-08-21 02:21:01
On Thu, Aug 21, 2003 at 12:49:36AM +0100, Alan Clifford wrote:

Doing a grep on my virus mailbox,

Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 17:04:08 --0500

either the time zone has a double minus or the leading zero is missing
from the hour.

Maybe I should be trapping on this anyway?

Good find.  But my stock broker (Datek, now Ameritrade) has been
sending mail with double-minus in there for years.  I wrote the
sysadmin once.  Never got an answer.  I long ago had to write
an exception for it in procmail, for my recipes do catch faulty
date-header syntax.  From my broker:

  Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 14:15:36 --0400
  From: "Ameritrade" <Ameritrade(_at_)Datek(_dot_)com>
  Subject: Ameritrade Execution Report
  X-Mailer: Adiscon SimpleMail 2.4

The virus does use its own SMTP server, however, so finding such
syntax flaws is definitely a good tack.  Unfortunately, I can't
research further, because my ISP has suddenly started site-wide
blocking with no opt-out -- something it promised it would never


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