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Re: correct syntax of subject variable?

2003-08-27 18:52:56
On Thursday, August 28, 2003, at 9:05 , Dragoncrest wrote:
Just curious of something. When trying to filter by subject, which of these is the correct syntax.

        This?:  * ^Subject:.*virus
        Or This?: * Subject:.*virus

I'm trying to figure out if the carrot is even needed or if it is, where, when and why?

the CARAT means "The Start of a line marker"

So ^Subject: will not match against:

X-Spam-Check: "Subject: Contains Viagra"

but will only match on the actual Subject header.

without the carat will work, but using it is a good habit to get into so you are reminded "I'm looking for the Subject: HEADER and not some other misc "Subject:" that appears elsewhere in the headers.

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