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Re: Intermittent behaviour by procmail

2003-09-02 17:42:00
On Wed, 2003-09-03 at 06:31, David W. Tamkin wrote:


Or better yet, figure it within procmail without forks:

           * LASTFOLDER ?? /\/[^/]+^^
           { LASTFILE=$MATCH }

        | cp "$LASTFOLDER" "cur/${LASTFILE}:2,ST"

Woah, that's perfect! Works a treat. Thanks very much David.

Just to understand what it actually means, I read' the procmailex and 
procmailrc manpages so what I conclude is:

* LASTFOLDER ??  means we are going to work on the LASTFOLDER variable

/\/ is right-splitting. However, seeing as how we are working with the entire 
variable, isn't it redundant?

[^/] means we don't want to match any "/"'s

+ means we want to match one or more non "/" characters

^^ I don't quite understand. It means we want to "anchor" the expression at the 
end of the search area?

Thanks again David.


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