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Re: Event Summary Files?

2003-09-12 23:40:53
Toen ik Marvin R. Pierce kietelde, kwam er dit uit:

I don't think that it has anything to do with your problems, but

MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail/     #Slash @ end of mailbox name tells procmail to
                        #store email in 'Maildir' format (instead of
                        #mbox format)

I don't think that last slash must be there, and


I wonder why you set MAILDIR again, and

   * ^(From|Cc|To).*(root(_at_)libranet|mpierce(_at_)libranet)

I don't think that you meant the double-slash there
(between Mail and root-mail).

I do think that condition can be tightened:

   * ^(From|Cc|To):.*\<(root|mpierce)@libranet\.

The ^TO_ matches Cc: and To: (and more), so you might want to
replace this:


by this:


Affijn, Ruud

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