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Re: Identifying spam by those numbers at the end of subject line

2003-09-23 18:55:38
At 02:16 2003-09-24 +0100, Alan Clifford did say:
On Tue, 23 Sep 2003, Dick Adams wrote:

DA> At the end of the subject line of some spam, there are
DA> several spaces followed by four numbers.  Does anyone
DA> have a recipe for detecting this?

I just look for several spaces followed by a character.

That's totally different than what was being asked for (and admittedly, I failed to include a check for spaces BEFORE the numeric). I have other rules in my spam.rc which check for an "abundance of whitespace in the subject":

# Abundance of leading whitespace on Subject
# we provide for an allowance of 4 (though tabs are counted equal to space)
# Note: we don't use SUBJECT variable, because that has leading whitespace
# removed when it was initially extracted.

* -4^0
* ^Subject:\/[  ]*
* 1^1 MATCH ?? [        ]
SPAMNOTES="${SPAMNOTES}SPAM: ${SPAMVAL} Advisory - excess of leading whitespace on subject ($=)${NL}"

# this time, we DO use the variable, but we check for an EOL anchored
# run (poss with a blurb code hanging there).

* -4^0
* SUBJECT ?? \/[        ]*[^    ]*$
* 1^1 MATCH ?? [        ]
SPAMNOTES="${SPAMNOTES}SPAM: ${SPAMVAL} Advisory - excess of inline whitespace on subject ($=)${NL}"

# 20030414/1107 SBS
# from handsonhowto
# Spammer's embedded space trick -- you know the ones:
# Subject: Hot chix!           xjks4h
# Schlepped from elsewhere
* ^Subject:[ ].*[^ ].*[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ].*
SPAMNOTES="${SPAMNOTES}SPAM: ${SPAMVAL} Advisory - embedded space on subject${NL}"

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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