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Re: procmail processes rising; errors in log

2003-10-13 16:17:03
At 13:58 2003-10-13 -0700, Vicki Brown wrote:
We call Spam Assassin from procmail (after calling procmail from .forward).

Our .procmailrc contains

   :0 fw:sa_foo.lock
   * < 256000
   | /usr/local/bin/spamassassin

This "our" .procmailrc is located where? Is this intended to be a global procmailrc, or are you implementing this as a block of code inside of the _user's_ .procmailrc (which sounds an awful lot like you're using it with the intent of a global procmailrc, so, uhm, why don't you)?

Also, why do you subject this filter to a lockfile? Too much load from concurrent SA processes? If you're having trouble with SA, you might check their site for support info.

procmail: Terminating prematurely whilst waiting for lockfile "sa_rdm.lock"

'man procmail'

This would be indicative of the process owner, or the admin sending the running procmail a signal - say, a system watchdog process (which you probably don't have), or an admin going "gaak! KILL, KILL, KILL..."

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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