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Checking for Non dictionary words

2003-11-22 07:35:43
I suppose due to the increase in spam filtering 
spammers have moved to hiding their words eg.
m.oney or p(_at_)armacy

I have writen the below recipe but it seems awfully 
cumbersome. Is there an easier way of doing this.
CH = '  \.\!\*\~\:\-\@'

# I have put it on separate line to make it a little 
# more readable
* $ ^SUBJECT:.*M[$CH]O[$CH]?N[$CH]?E[$CH]?Y|\


What I am trying to do in this recipe is prevent 
the false positive of simply MONEY which is a 
common enough word but flag anything else. eg mon.ey 
or mo:ney or even m.o.n.e.y .
This method isnt too cumbersome with a word like money 
but when you start doing this on University Degree's 
it gets real big.

Anyone have a simpler solution, short of creating a 
file with a list of words in it.

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