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newbie questions about a very simle mailing list.

2004-01-16 01:21:13

I want to set up a very simple mailing list. Since I have no control 
over our mail server so I want to use procmail to simulate one. 
Basically, every email that send to me with subject that 
contains [SOMETHING] will be forwarded to a bunch of people. I am very 
new to procmail and it took me a long while to figure out the following.

:0hw: ${HOME}/.proc.lock1
* Subject:.*\[SOMETHING\]
  :0fhw: ${HOME}/.proc.lock2
  |  ${FORMAIL} -I "To: I(_at_)some(_dot_)place" -I "Reply-To: 
  -I "Return-Path: I(_at_)some(_dot_)place"

  :0c: ${HOME}/.proc.lock3
  ! email1,email2,email3

This kind of works but I have the following questions:
1. I get warnings such as
  procmail: Extraneous filter-flag ignored
  procmail: Extraneous locallockfile ignored
  procmail: Extraneous deliver-head flag ignored
  What did I do wrong? As a matter of fact, I do not know when do I need 
  to specify a lock file so I used three. :-(

2. I would like to use 
  ${FORMAIL} -I "To: My Name <I(_at_)some(_dot_)place>" ...
  but formail fails. How can I use <> in the To string?

3. Do I need to specify both "Reply-To:" and "Return-Path:"? It seems 
   that some email clients use Relply-To:, some use Return-Path, some 
   ignore them all and use To:

4. I tried to follow some online examples .... but

  |  (${FORMAIL} -I "To: I(_at_)some(_dot_)place" -I "Reply-To: 
  -I "Return-Path: I(_at_)some(_dot_)place") | sendmail -oi email1,email2,email3
  does not work for me. 
Many thanks in advance.


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