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Re: Assist with filtering by external files

2004-03-16 22:46:04
At 23:59 2004-03-16 -0500, Daniel wrote:

My recipe:

Next time you post, please send your messages in PLAIN text, not HTML. Itty bitty fonts are annoying, plus by it's nature, procmail is pretty much a UNIX mail tool, and HTML mail won't render pretty in a console mail client, yet the message brings along HTML baggage.

First, have you run with a logfile and VERBOSE=ON ?

Have you tried running it under a SANDBOX (which would provide these settings, and at which you could pump the messages that got past your filters)? If you have no idea what a SANDBOX is, then see my .sigline

Are you aware that you don't show LIST to be defined, and if it is blank, then that dividing slash actually ends up specifying ROOT, which in turn means the keyword files you're specifying will be expected to be in root, and if not found, the conditions will ALWAYS fail?



Unrelated to your problems, but a suggestion for improvement: up at the top of your procmailrc add:


Then, whenever you want to emit a newline in a log entry:


No dangling close quotes necessary.

  * ? fgrep -i $LIST/body.txt

Check the syntax of that invocation - you're grepping stdin (the message body) with case insensitivity against a literal string, not against the contents of a keyword file - that would require the -f parameter before the filename...

Could it be that the system is overloaded and these emails are going right through procmail?

A logfile would confirm this to not be the case...

I also have characters such as !, $, <, >, ? with in the body and subject files. Could this be a problem as well?

No, for one reason, it's because by its very nature, *fgrep* doesn't interpret regexp's ("F"ixed string grep). See 'man grep'.

If you have a verbose log, you'd see the results of each of the recipe conditions, and would easily be able to focus on the one you THINK should have worked.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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