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Re: Clam through procmail.

2004-05-24 05:38:43
On Mon, May 24, 2004 at 01:53:53PM +0200, Hans du Plooy wrote:
Hi all,

A while ago someone posted a link to the archives to a description of how to 
use clamscan through procmail.  Dallman Ross gave this recipy:

   :0  # look for possible viral transporters before calling clamscan
   *  9876543210^0  ^Content-Type:.*(attachment|multipart)
   *  9876543210^0  ^FROM_MAILER
   SC_OUT=| clamscan --mbox --disable-summary --stdout -

I wish people would stop digging this one up.  I had a silly syntax
error there -- a recipe cannot have two actions.  I posted a correction
within a few hours, yet it seems that whenever anybody looks for this
they find the old one, not the correction.

Please go to the archives and find the follow-up posting with the


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