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Re: SMS forward, limiting characters

2004-07-15 23:44:10
On Thu, Jul 15, 2004 at 05:27:34PM -0600, Google Kreme wrote (twice):

Klaus Johannes Rusch <KlausRusch(_at_)atmedia(_dot_)net> said:
formail -I"" | grep -v "^>" | perl -e "$/ = undef; $_ = <>; s/\s+/
/sg; print substr $_, 0, 200"

quick question, wouldn't you need either

grep -e -v "^>"


egrep -v "^>"


I don't off-hand know, because (aside from being awake on two
hours' sleep and only one cup of coffee and its being two hours
from my usual wake-up time) I am still too boggled by the idea
of anybody piping formail to grep to perl.

Klaus, pick your weapon, and use it!  Don't start to
dispatch your opponent with your machete, then switch to
the service pistol when it turns out he's still flailing,
then drop that and grab the bazooka!



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