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Re: Logical OR

2004-08-31 06:55:04
On Aug 31, Udi Mottelo 
(nospam-uuddii(_at_)eng(_dot_)tau(_dot_)ac(_dot_)il(_dot_)ns) typed:

udi:  > Does anyone know what | expands out to?  At what point, regardless of 
udi:  > rule, does | stop evaluating the condition?  Does it stop after
udi:  > whitespace, EOLN, after an ending " or )    ???
udi:  >
udi:  >
udi:  > Would it be better to group each charset individually
udi:  >                 (GB23212|big5|(windows-1251)|(ISO-2022-JP))
udi:  > or leave the statement as is?
udi:    So, you have more then one question (:-) and you can find
udi:    answeres in the FAQ.  It is highly recomanded to read the
udi:    FAQ, it is not so big and you will find some thing that
udi:    will help you in the futur.
udi:    1.  There are no differents between (ISO-2022-JP) and ISO-2022-JP
udi:    2.  White space(a).  If you don't ask for SPACE, TAB or NEWLINE
udi:        procmail will not look for it.
udi:    3.  White space(b).  Regarding your questions I understand that
udi:        you will be happy to know what is "WORD" in procmail?
udi:  >From man procmailrc:
udi:         \< or \>  Match  the character before or after a word.  They are 
udi:                   a shorthand for `[^a-zA-Z0-9_]', but can also match 
udi:                   Since they match actual characters, they are only 
suitable to
udi:                   delimit words, not to delimit inter-word space.

Im well aware of \< \>, but I fail to see how points 2 and 3 answer a
question about logical OR.  However, knowing that \< \> is shorthand, I
figured that logical OR may be the same way.

(Mind you, I always look at the man pages and the archives before posting.
Now I know to add the FAQ to the list of things to research.)

DZ-Jay answer the question quite nicely, though I know that logical OR
also stops evaluating the expression at EOLN.

-- Birl

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