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Re: error writing to

2004-09-08 07:56:33
On Wed, Sep 08, 2004 at 03:38:57PM +0200, Travel Jadoo wrote:
I have been trying to work out why I do get this error:
Error while writing to "/var/spool/mail/_TSC.LWwPBB.terminator.odysse"

where could possibly the _TSC.LWwPBB come from? terminator.odyssey is
the localhost as you guess

Am I goofing up? btw I use Fedora core 2.

That is a typical thing that happens sometimes with NFS (networked
fileshares) where a process did not shut down cleanly leaving a
temp file in place.  Check your process tables.  Could also be
a permissions problem so that the temp file can't close out
because the target is unwriteable.

dman (has no idea what Fedora" is)

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