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Re: stopping ">From" mangling with procmail, postfix, and maildir

2004-12-15 14:11:19
Am 2004-12-15 13:40:58, schrieb Matthew Miller:
I'm using the postfix MTA with procmail for delivery, (generally-speaking)
into Maildir format mailboxes. I don't want postfix to prepend '\nFrom '
lines with '>' -- it serves no useful purpose and breaks things.

From the procmail man page, it looks as if procmail decides to do this
whenever a Content-Length header isn't found. And postfix doesn't add that

I have many Messages without Content-Length header
and never had problems with 'procmail'.

I know 'fetchmail' do some stuff with it and
I think, it is 'postfix' which do it.

(largely broken) header (and in fact, correctly strips it from any
incoming messages).

Is there a way to make procmail either never mangle From in the body of
I never have seen 'procmail' mangling From in Body of a message.

messages, or at the very least to never do it when delivering to Maildir?

'procmail' does not Mangle anything because it is only a filter !



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