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Re: Small Mailing List script

2005-01-31 10:24:00
At 07:27 2005-01-31 -0500, Doug Essinger-Hileman did say:
I have been looking at the script for Small Mailing Lists that Sean
posted to this list in 2002. One section of the script puzzles me:

---begin snippet---
# This rule archives mail to the listowner in the list archive.
# Note this is valid only for TO: addressing.
:1 c: $listname$LOCKEXT
* $^To:.$listowner
|gzip -9fc>>$listname.owner.gz
---end snippet---

Hehe, that's some OLD code. I hadn't updated that in quite some time prior to posting that (and I don't happen to use it any longer, since I run various majordomo lists on that server now), and as Dallman has already mentioned, the :1 is the number of conditions which followed, which was the original procmail syntax (before it was changed to simply auto-count the condition lines starting with *).

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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