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Re: block mail by compairing word in subject

2005-04-27 07:36:57
When I first saw this question I was interested to see what responses came 
up.  Michelle's initial reply confirmed my own thoughts: that I was going 
to have to write a little external code to handle it.  I promptly 
wandered off to do exactly that.

This is the solution I came up with, if it is of use to anybody...

First my procmail 'blacklist.rc' file:

* ^Subject:[    ]+\/.+
* ? /usr/local/bin/testsubject $BLACKLIST "$MATCH"
Where the  "Subject:[   ]+" is actually "Subject:[<SPACE><TAB>]+" (I'm not 
sure how necessary that construct is, but I picked it up from somewhere 
on the 'net...)

Second, my /usr/local/bin/testsubject which is a perl script:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my ($file,$subj) = @ARGV;

exit 1 unless $subj;
open FILE,$file or exit 1;
foreach my $line (<FILE>) {
  chomp $line;
  next unless $line;
  exit 0 if $subj =~ /\b$line\b/i;              # <- note
exit 1;
Essentially this reads the '/path/to/blacklist' file, and compares each 
line in it with the email subject line.  Note that each line will be 
treated as a regular expression, and may therefore contain any PERL 
REGEXP formatting required.  The line which performs the comparison 
(indicated by "<- note") places a "\b" either side of the line from the 
blacklist file so that it will only match on whole words; it seemed a 
little too dangerous to match on partials...  It performs a 
case-insensitive match.

Third, my preliminary /path/to/blacklist file contains the following:

It is precisely because of some of the standard "mis-spellings" that I 
decided to enable full regular expression syntax in my blacklist file.

Of course, this only gets called by procmail (via an INCLUDERC in my 
main .procmailrc file) after all other filtering for known addresses, and 
examination by spamassassin, has been performed.  Also, I don't know how 
well it would scale if "blacklist" grew too large...


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