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Re: misunderstood regexp

2005-07-13 17:02:56
David R. Linn schreef:
(unused level)
someone else:

  * ^Subject:.*[[]flashfr]

"Procmail: No match on "^Subject:.*[[]flashfr]

Strange missing dquote at the end. I guess there is still a CR
playing dirty tricks.
Try an editor like pico, from the command line.

I think Ruud is right about everything except the "missing" dquote.

Hey! I said it was missing at the end. I left it to the OP to find out
where it had gone.

Note that the message starts with '"Procmail:' when it *should* have
started with 'procmail:' (i.e. both the dquote at the beginning of
the line and the capital P are unexpected).

It is easy to explain the dquote - it *should* have been at the
end of the line but the character before it was a CR so it ended
up at the beginning.

Yes, also see:

Grtz, Ruud

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