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Re: problem with ... following rules

2005-08-01 07:10:41
* Dallman Ross <dman(_at_)nomotek(_dot_)com> [08-01-05 06:15]:

Patrick Shanahan: what was that FAQ URL you once showed me in
this regard, again?

Sorry if memory doesn't serve, but wasn't a URL or FAQ, but quoting
from the Fine Mutt Manual repeated here:

In answer to your questions above, a couple of quotes from TFM for mutt

The other method some mailing list admins use is to generate a
Reply-To'' field which points back to the mailing list address rather
than the author of the message.  This can create problems when trying to
reply directly to the author in private, since most mail clients will
automatically reply to the address given in the Reply- To'' field.  Mutt
uses the $reply_to'' variable to help decide which address to use.  If
set, you will be prompted as to whether or not you would like to use the
address given in the Reply-To'' field, or reply directly to the address
given in the From'' field.  When unset, the Reply-To'' field will be
used when present.

note:  I have reply_to SET

6.3.72.  ignore_list_reply_to

Type: boolean
Default: no

Affects the behaviour of the reply function when replying to messages
from mailing lists.  When set, if the Reply-To:'' field is set to the
same value as the To:'' field, Mutt assumes that the Reply- To:'' field
was set by the mailing list to automate responses to the list, and will
ignore this field.  To direct a response to the mailing list when this
option is set, use the list-reply function; group-reply will reply to
both the sender and the list.

note:  I have ignore_list_reply_to SET

list-reply (default: L)

Reply to the current or tagged message(s) by extracting any addresses
which match the addresses given by the lists or subscribe'' commands, but
also honor any Mail-Followup-To header(s) if the $honor_followup_to''
configuration variable is set.  Using this when replying to messages
posted to mailing lists helps avoid duplicate copies being sent to the
author of the message you are replying to.

This last, list-reply, I consider the most important.  The way I am
configured, <L> ignores all addresses except those listed in .muttrc as
<subscribe>, in which you actively participate, and <list> which you may
watch and allows a list-address identification, from TFM:

Mutt has a few nice features for handling mailing lists''.  In order to
take advantage of them, you must specify which addresses belong to
mailing lists, and which mailing lists you are subscribed to.  Once you
have done this, the list-reply'' function will work for all known lists.
Additionally, when you send a message to a subscribed list, mutt will add
a Mail-Followup-To header to tell other users' mail user agents not to
send copies of replies to your personal address.  Note that the
Mail-Followup-To header is a non-standard extension which is not
supported by all mail user agents. Adding it is not bullet-proof against
receiving personal CCs of list messages. Also note that the generation of
the Mail-Followup-To header is controlled by the $followup_to''
configuration variable.

Patrick Shanahan                        Registered Linux User #207535                        @
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