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Re: Sorting an already existing mbox file, is it possible?

2005-09-30 03:18:04
On Fri, Sep 30, 2005 at 04:14:40AM +0000, Thomas Mueller wrote:

The problem is that procmail writes the whole file based on the
Return-Path line in the first message; procmail sees the whole
mbox file as one message.

[. . . .]  I have tried commands like

procmail -m recipe1.rc < mbox094elv

formail -ns < mbox094elv | procmail -m recipe1.rc

and the whole file was sent to one file according to the
Return-Path line of the first message.  But the line

procmail -m recipe1.rc < single-email-message

where I use an actual email message file name and path instead
of "single-email-message" verbatim, worked when run several
successive times on old email files that were downloaded using
UKA-PPP 1.7x2 aka NOS_BOX 2.05 running under DR-DOS 7.03.

Your last example should behave just like the first, it
seems to me.  In any case, that is the expected behavior
given your syntax.  You want something liek:

   formail -s procmail -m rcfile.rc < mboxfile

where mboxfile is not in th write-path of any instruction
in the rcfile.rc or your $DEFAULT setting.

The man pages discuss shunting an existing file back through
procmail, btw.  Look in "man procmail" and search for the keyword
"postprocess".  However, the above is basically what it
describes there.

What you're asking about has also been discussed on this
list many, many times, so with such things the first place
to look after the man pages (personally, I'd at least have
skimmed the man pages before bothering to find another source
version and recompiling, ahem) :-) would be the searchable
archives at

which is linked from down fairly low the main procmail page
at .

Finally, I would urge you to review Nancy McGough's terrific
QuickStart web docs on procmail.


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