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Re: Error filtering spam with Procmail

2005-10-28 12:56:00
On 10/28/05, Ruud H.G. van Tol <rvtol(_at_)isolution(_dot_)nl> wrote:
Cerebus the Aardvark:
Ruud H.G. van Tol:
Alejandro Cabrera Obed:



He is checking for both, so I assume he has mails with only the
Subject-tag and not the X-Spam-Flag header field.

Which, I believe, is not possible unless there is header spoofing going on.

The Spam-Flag is always inserted on any mail SA checks, unless that
has changed recently.  The subject rewrite may of may not be done,
depending on global and per user settings.  One is safe to check for,
one is... not

If one is concerned about spoofing, changing the header names to
something like X-mydomain-Spam-Flag may be a good idea.


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