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Re: Error filtering spam with Procmail

2005-11-03 06:28:22
On Tue, 1 Nov 2005, Alejandro Cabrera Obed wrote:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Udi Mottelo" <uuddii(_at_)eng(_dot_)tau(_dot_)ac(_dot_)il>
To: "Alejandro Cabrera Obed" <sisdis(_at_)tournet(_dot_)com(_dot_)ar>
Cc: "Procmail Lista" <procmail(_at_)lists(_dot_)RWTH-Aachen(_dot_)DE>; "Ruud 
H.G. van Tol"
Sent: Tuesday, November 01, 2005 5:26 AM
Subject: Re: Error filtering spam with Procmail

On Mon, 31 Oct 2005, Alejandro Cabrera Obed wrote:

Dear people, I still have problems to read my spam folder as I told 
Do I need any other option specified in .procmailrc (like LOCKFILE or
wahetever) ????

  I had this problem when I didn't lock the folder.  You have
  got answers from our friends, now, how to fix the folder?
  I used vi(1):  Open the file with vi; do nothing but exit with
  save (:w!).  Vi will drop all the extra NULL characters and fix
  the to-long-lines.


Hi Udi and people,

I don't understand what file I have to open and save with  vi..... maybe
.procmailrc or what ???

        The corrupted folder was /home/my_user/spam.  The "file" is
        the folder.

And other question: I use Sendmail and I nedd to know how can I know the
type of the folder (maildir o mbox).

        In maildir the messages are saved in directory; in mbox they
        are appended into one file.  If you write the name of the folder
        with "/" suffix (/home/my_user/spam/) your message will be saved
        separately under directory /home/my_user/spam.


By the other hand, I follow the recipe from one fellow, I delete the spam
folder, wait spams come to me, but the procmail didn't create the spam

Thanks , I'll be waitinf for your response to edit with vi.


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