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Re: deactivating of /var/mail/$USER ?

2005-11-17 05:58:58
Am 2005-11-13 12:20:38, schrieb Udi Mottelo:
On Thu, 10 Nov 2005, Timothy Luoma wrote:

Another is to take the MESSAGE-ID and use it to create an individual
log for each mail received, drop the log in a folder, and using find
(1) with -ctime to delete old logs using cron.

I was thinking this too...  Then using a cronjob which whatch the
/var/mail/* for changes and if nothin has changed, delete the old

      No, if you get more then 5,000 message a day ie 15000 inodes
      in three days, you will have big performens problem!

Not realy right, because I have more then 200.000.000 Inodes in
my ext3 FileSystem with curently around 35.000.000 Messages.  :-)

I run courier-imap and it handel those messages very well.
BUT (!!!) never try to use 'fam' on such filesystem.


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