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Re: Spam and Procmail

2005-12-09 13:13:00
On Fri, 9 Dec 2005, G.W. Haywood wrote:

GH> I'm not sure how effective sender whitelisting can be as an anti-spam
GH> tool, unless you know in advance exactly who will be sending you mail. :)

At least it keeps the crud out of your mailbox - only people who are 
allowed in actually get in there.  OK, new correspondents get mixed up 
with the rubbish in the secondary box but with the use of greylisting, 
spam assassin and a few of your own rules (like lists(_at_)clifford(_dot_)ac 
has to 
come from a subscribed list), the amount of rubbish in the secondary box 
can be cut down considerably.


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