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How to Reply to All?

2006-06-22 14:11:38
I'm trying to modify a small recipe to reply to all, instead of only the 

The formail -r flag does the trick to reply to the sender, but excludes 
anybody on the To: or Cc: lists and so on. I don't see any modifier, or 
additional flag to "reply to all" but thought I could fake it like this...

:0 h
REPLYCC =| formail -tcx "To:" -tcx "Cc:"

<other great stuff happens here> :-)

:0 fwh
| (formail -r -I "Cc: ${REPLYCC}") | ${SENDMAIL} ...

That results in a blank CC: header... apparently the REPLYCC =| formail 
is not doing what I expect it to be doing. :-(

What am I misunderstanding about extracting header contents from messages?

Thank you. :-)

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