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Help! how forcing source address while autoreplying.

2007-04-26 23:33:42
Hi please, can you help me? 
Few days ago I wrote the email you can find at the end of the email.
There there's also the procmailrc. Maybe you don't need to read it...
Question: Is there a way in procmailrc to set the from-address of
replyed emails, so that if one write i.e to leobq(_at_)insiel(_dot_)it he will 
coming back an email from leonardo(_dot_)bianchiquota(_at_)insiel(_dot_)it?
Hi, I'm not an expert of procmail...

I have a RH6.1 box running sendmail 9.10 and procmail procmail-3.13.1-4.

I configured an auto reply for a user (userx) and it is working, but
only if someone write an email from outside the box, otherwise if an
email is written from an internal user, I have an error which I'm going
to explain: the source address is without the domain part and the mail
appear replyed from "userx" so that sendmail stop it because is not in
the right format (check_mail rule ).

Last note: the reply address if some one write from outside is

Here down the configuration file:

cat .procmailrc:


:0 h c


* !^X-Loop: infocasa(_at_)regione(_dot_)fvg(_dot_)it

| (formail -r -I"Precedence: junk" \

-A"X-Loop: infocasa(_at_)regione(_dot_)fvg(_dot_)it" ; \

cat $HOME/FaqEdilAgev.txt; \

cat $HOME/FaqEdilAgev.doc|uuencode FAQ_EdiliziaAgevolata.doc; \

) | $SENDMAIL -t

Thank You in advance.


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