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Re: Tip: Tomorrow will be Another Day

2007-04-26 11:42:43
On 26-Apr-2007, at 09:18, Udi Mottelo wrote:

      The problem is that procmail couldn't create the log if
      the directory doesn't exist.  Instead of checking if the
      directory exist every message over and over again I put
      in my crontab:

there's another way to skin this cat.  You write to the file, and  
then create the directory and write to the file again if the first  
write fails.

This is a better method anyway, because it also allows you to code a  
fallback position if for some reason you can't create the folder.

For example, I have similar code for writing my list messages to  
monthly mailboxes with inside a folder named for the list I am  
subscribed to:

* ! LISTNAME ?? ^^^^
#   LOG="List: $LISTNAME$NL"

    | formail -i "X-Kreme-Listname: $LISTNAME"

    :0: $HOME/lock

    # if the action failed, probably the directory $LISTNAME does not
    # exist, so create it
      MAKENEWDIR=`test -d $MLDIR/$LISTNAME || mkdir -p $MLDIR/ 


    # Now save the message again

    # If we get this far, something is quite wrong.
    # Still failed?  Better save the message somewhere we can check it
      :0: $HOME/lock

That bit of code was a group effort on this list a few years back,  
and I am sorry to say I did not note who finally came up with the  
MAKENEWDIR line.  'Twasn't me.  This patch of code allows me to  
subscribe to a new list and have procmail do the right thing without  
my making any changes to my .procmailrc or includes.

(For the record, the FIALED_LIST_SORT has never triggered)

When the stars threw down their spears
And watered heaven with their tears,
Did He smile his work to see?
Did He who made the Lamb make thee?

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