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procmail doesn't create the From header?

2007-08-05 11:18:37

I have the following problem with procmail 3.22 on a Centos 4.5 server

The first recipes is meant to make a backup copy of every message:

/var/mail/mailhome/`/bin/date +%Y.%m`.mail.backup

And it produces logs like:

procmail: Assigning "DEFAULT=/var/mail/mailhome/INBOX/"
procmail: Executing "/bin/date,+%Y.%m"
procmail: Locking "/var/mail/mailhome/2007.08.mail.backup.lock"
procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=/var/mail/mailhome/MAIL.2007.08.mail.backup"
procmail: Opening "/var/mail/mailhome/2007.08.mail.backup"
procmail: Acquiring kernel-lock
 Subject: First test of new server
  Folder: /var/mail/mailhome/2007.08.mail.backup           1402
procmail: [9302] Sat Aug  4 23:24:37 2007
procmail: Unlocking "/var/mail/mailhome/2007.08.mail.backup.lock"

The problem is that, when I try to read with mutt the backup mailbox,
to check everything is OK and I am indeed saving a copy of every
message, I get:

mutt -f /var/mail/mailhome/2007.08.mail.backup
/var/mail/mailhome/2007.08.mail.backup is not a mailbox.

according to the mutt wiki, this is what happens when the From header
(without :) is missing and, sure enough, there is not even one of
those headers in the backup mailbox, even after sending 9/10 messages:
they are all there, just without that single header.

What is happening? Another weird thing (to me), is that I had the same
recipe on my home computer working perfectly.

The only difference is that here at home procmail is called via
.forward, while on the server is the postfix virtual transport

Thank you in advance for any pointer,

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