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Re: procmail recipe on cpanel host - Part 2

2007-08-06 08:36:09
Bart Schaefer wrote:
On 7/27/07, George Cordahi <george(_at_)cordahi(_dot_)net> wrote:
Bart, and friends

I'm traveling right now and have only slow/sporadic internet access
until mid-August, so please don't expect timely follow-ups to

No problem. I'm the one asking a favor, so I accept the favors with 
whatever terms they come. Thanks.
but once again a message is generated to the sender containing the

This must be coming from procmail at startup, possibly from the
/etc/procmailrc if there is one ... I would suspect that your host
administrator has "broken" something, though if procmail is not
"officially" supported you may have a hard time convincing them to fix

Essentially procmail is compiled to believe that the location of your
inbox is /var/spool/mail/$LOGNAME and wants to create that file even
if it won't ultimately deliver there.  Procmail would have to be
recompiled to specify the correct default location.
Bart, I feel we're very close to cracking the puzzle.  As I see it there 
are two ways of looking at the problem. Tell me if I'm wrong.

1.  Since .procmailrc is properly executed, and the message is delivered 
according to the recipe, is there way a way to only suppress the error 
message that gets returned to the sender?

2. In its original form, you solved my problem. I was using the default 
domain mailbox as my email mailbox, and everything worked. Now that I 
moved to a proper email mailbox, the problems are back.
  I suspect that my .procmailrc is in the wrong place, and/or that the 
environment variables defined in the .procmailrc file must also be 
modified. But to what?

Very grateful for your help.

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