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RE: error report from recipe

2007-08-24 07:32:25
LuKreme wrote:

On 24-Aug-2007, at 02:29, Dallman Ross wrote:
I suppose you meant something like this:

  [ -> panix5] {dman} [0.44]
   10:26am [/var/tmp/.dman] 554[1]> find . -mtime +30 -execdir rm  
'{}' \;

Nope.  I meant -delete which is supported by the find in
FreeeBSD 6.x and OS X. Pretty sure the find in FreeBSD 5.x
supported this as well, but I no longer have a 5.x install
to check.  Looking at the strings from the binary, it's
copyright dates are 1990, 1993, 1994; so we're not talking
about something cutting edge.

I use NetBSD and have these versions, neither of which support it:

  4:28pm [~] 595[0]> l `which gfind find`
 -r-xr-xr-x    1 root     wheel       30452 Nov  8  2006 /usr/bin/find*
 -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     wheel      171395 Jan 28  2003

  4:28pm [~] 596[0]> gfind --version
 GNU find version 4.1

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