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Re: processing inbox maildirs with formail

2007-08-27 16:27:17
On 8/27/07, M. Fioretti <mfioretti(_at_)nexaima(_dot_)net> wrote:

Have you noticed that both the message today and the one I posted a
few weeks ago talk about 'formail -s procmail < X' where X is a whole
maildir? I was giving for granted that this could be possible without
external scripting. That's where the original form came (and I'm still
surprised it isn't possible).

There is no such thing as a unix/linux program that reads a directory
as standard input.  The shell won't even allow you to do "< X" where X
is a directory.

Procmail was never really designed to deal with mailboxes as inputs.
It's designed to deal with messages as inputs and mailboxes as
outputs; other programs are supposed to deal with mailboxes as inputs;
formail is one such, for a particular format of mailbox.  If you had a
background in the original unix programming philosophy, you would not
be surprised that formail does not understand other mailbox formats.
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