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Re: Recipe to catch admin mail from phpBB3

2008-06-17 07:56:31
At 20:45 2008-06-17 +1000, Nick Croft wrote:

[snip - headers and stuff which make for good examples]

I assumed that a simple recipe would do the trick, like:

  * ^From_www-data(_at_)jesuschristians(_dot_)net
  * ^From:(_dot_)*n(_at_)linearg(_dot_)com
  * ^To:.*admin\ <n(_at_)linearg(_dot_)com>
  * ^Subject:.*Activate\ user\ account

If you're filing to an mbox, you should add the locking flag to the flags line (a trailing colon). That first condition will NOT match - within the procmail list we sometimes refer to the from_ header, but that's an informal reference, not a literal regexp - it's the header that has a space, not a colon. No need to try to match it anyway - the other headers will more than suffice. However, in the following recipe, the ^TO_ *IS* a procmail regexp macro - see 'man procmailrc'.

Try this:

* ^TO_n(_at_)linearg(_dot_)com
* ^Subject:[    ]*Activate user account
* ^X-phpBB-Origin:[     ]*phpbb://jcs\.xjcs\.org/phpBB3

Brackets enclose a space and tab. This recipe should isolate messages from that particular board.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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