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Re: How to control the email file name procmail produces

2011-01-28 11:08:41
At 06:07 2011-01-28, Michelle Konzack wrote:
you can follw the tips of LuKreme and Sean but IF YOU REALY need the
messages on a Windows system, you can use TRAP to rename it using

    TRAP='rename "s|:2|_2|" ${LASTFOLDER}'

As I alluded to, and Nick confirmed, the portions of the file name which are problematic aren't generated by procmail, so this won't do much good.

Next, surely you mean the 'mv' command - 'rename' is a dos-ism.

The drive: bit is a holdover from CP/M (which didn't so much as grok subdirectories - neither did the first version of MS/DOS). Sadly, I AM old enough to remember this stuff.

Cygwin remains probably the easiest solution, and has the benefit of adding utility to a windows box (including such tools as rsync and rdiff).

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering

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