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Re: need a sane approach to MIME attachment organization

2012-10-23 12:30:41
On Tue, Oct 23, 2012 at 10:11 AM, Mike's unattended mail <
mike(_dot_)howard-8odyq9i7(_at_)cool(_dot_)fr(_dot_)nf> wrote:

Does this mean the language (and thus tool) does not evolve?  If I
wanted to join the project to expand the language and add some basic
features, would this be welcome?

It'd be welcome, but at the moment there's some confusion over exactly what
constitutes "the project".  The old "moderator" essentially walked away,
and the original author of procmail gave some indication that he was going
to pick up the project again, but that was at least a year ago and nothing
has come of it.
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