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Re: new draft RFC 90% done.

2003-10-18 08:47:14

On Saturday, October 18, 2003, at 12:05  AM, Meng Weng Wong wrote:
this is almost complete.

First off, a big thanks! I think SPF is long overdue and I'm really grateful that you are all putting in so much time and energy into this. I've just joined this list, so please excuse me if any of my comments are rehashing the past...

I read through the draft in detail and have two small comments, both about macro interpolation:

Macro interpolation - There should be a statement that "Domain administrators SHOULD not use a "%" sign followed by unrecognized macro character." This will make sure future versions can add new macro characters without breaking some sys admin's cutsey message like "No way, Jose.. ..::%bzzzzp!%::.." which would break when version two introduces the %b macro for something. While the versioning mechanism could avoid this (the SPF version in the record would indicate which macros could be expanded, and which have to be left as is... yuch!), there is no reason to make the software that complicated.

Macro interpolation - URL encoding is not so simple! There are actually different encoding requirements depending on which part of the URL (host, path, query, fragment) is being encoded! This is a messy situation which I'm pretty familiar with. I'll try to track down a reasonable definition that can be expected to be implemented and the relevant sections of the relevant RFCs (1738 isn't the only one involved!). Give me a few days here...

        - Mark

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