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Re: IPv6

2003-11-07 12:40:48
On Fri, 2003-11-07 at 11:47, Philipp Morger wrote:
Hi List,

- ip6:.....um.

well, I don't consider myself a IPv6 Wizard, but a mere "User of the 

As far as I can tell, the SPF RFC looks right regarding IPv6 - the ipv6 
syntax is IMHO [::1/128] - at least in postfix, there are other places where 
you don't need the [].

Are you referring to postfix's transport mapping?  If so, the [] is the
way to tell postfix not to do MX lookups on the address, but to use the
A/AAAA record for the address directly (or just use it if it's an IP
address rather than a hostname).  Postfix uses bracketed addresses to
mean "don't do MX lookups" in a lot of places, but the transport map is
the one that springs immediately to mind.

Andy Bakun: the contact point for an information sink 

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