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Re: DDoS attacks via SPF

2003-12-19 07:29:46
The use of macros in SPF means that the DNS administrator cannot (always) resolve the includes statically.

In my particular case, I use redirect because the authoritative nameserver for my domains is a web based one (zoneedit). All my SPF records redirect to a nameserver that is totally under my control and where I have no limits on zone, records etc.


matthew-list(_at_)bytemark(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk wrote:

Likewise for the include directive, why can't the administrator periodically fetch and update his own SPF records from those he wishes to include? It would be bad practice for a webmaster to write pages which reference external resources which aren't under their control; the page the viewer sees may load unpredictably as a result, or simply break. The good webmaster periodically fetches and caches external information like news headlines etc. rather than pointing the viewer somewhere else in hope. Why should DNS servers be encouraged to do the same?

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