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Re: Wanted: ip6 mechanism definition

2004-03-10 07:31:23
        Working with IPv6 as I do for work and home, I can't really
think of too much that would need to change really from the way ip4
mechanisms are used for ip6. The only real thing is that the IPv6
addresses are longer and use colons rather than periods as delimiters.
That and the fact here are 128 rather than 32 so /0-/128 could be
possible CIDR notations. I believe the current CIDR-Lite perl module
used would be able to handle IPv6 but haven't checked on this myself
already. Typically however I would not expect the CIDR notation to be
larger than a /64 as the high order 64 bits are typically routing and
the low order 64 bits are the interface identifier usually made up using
the MAC address of the interface for EUI-64 based autoconf addressing

        I'd be happy to discuss further and other specific questions you
may have regarding IPv6.


On Wed, Mar 10, 2004 at 04:54:01AM -0500, Meng Weng Wong wrote:
On Wed, Mar 03, 2004 at 01:52:36AM +0100, Jeroen Massar wrote:
| http://spf.pobox.com/mechanisms.html#ip6 mentions
| that "Could someone with IPv6 experience please provide some input?"
| Tell me what it is going to be and I can start adding
| the record to the domains I have access to ;)

Anyone who can speak authoritatively on IPv6 is welcome to give me a
section on IPv6 that I can just paste into the draft spec :)

Otherwise, we can wait for the Working Group to deal with this.

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