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New to SPF

2004-03-11 10:45:32
I've only just heard about SPF and think it's a great idea.

I understand the concept of how it works, and it wont take me to long to
add SPF txt records to all our hosted domains. But what I'm a little
unclear on, is how do I get my mailserver to carry out the SPF checks
and action appropriately?

Would I be correct in thinking I would need an 'SPF Client'? And need
're-compile' my MTA? How difficult is all this?

I'm currently using Imail with Declude Junk Mail so already reduce spam
by checking RBL.


E: lyndon(_dot_)eaton(_at_)premierpc(_dot_)co(_dot_)uk
T: +44(0)8712360301
F: +44(0)8712360300

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