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Re: case folding and brute force attack!

2004-03-20 11:00:51
On Sat, 20 Mar 2004, Alain Knaff wrote:

What we can do about it:
 1. Do not apply SRS encoding for mails where we already do SRS
 2. Or, only apply encoding for From eaddresses whose domain publishes SPF
 3. (or maybe easyer to implement): only apply SRS decoding if From is
 <> or <postmaster@ ... >
 4. Some throttling mechanism (limit number of SRS encoding /decoding
 operations per minute that come from a same IP or IP range)
   5. Apply tarpit to invalid cookies.
   6. Use database backed SRS where the odds against guessing a valid
   cookie are astronomical (120 - 160 bits for hash).

                        Stuart D. Gathman <stuart(_at_)bmsi(_dot_)com>
      Business Management Systems Inc.  Phone: 703 591-0911 Fax: 703 591-6154
      "Very few of our customers are going to have a pure Unix
      or pure Windows environment." - Dennis Oldroyd, Microsoft Corporation