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Re: Spf Problem with DRAC?

2004-03-30 11:53:53
El 20:37 30/03/2004, Paul Howarth escribió:
On Tue, 2004-03-30 at 19:28, Joshue wrote:
>          I'm testing SPF with an existing Sendmail and DRAC (a
> pop-before-smtp solution). The Sendmail+DRAC had been working for three
> years in our servers with dynamic clients (IPs), now I have added the SPF
> functionality.
>          The problem is the SPF returns a softfail (for our domains hosted
> in our mailserver, where I have added the SPF support), although the client
> authenticates with DRAC. I know the DRAC authentication works because if a
> client does not authenticate (does not make a successful pop attempt), it
> receives a "relaying denied" message, and when it is authenticated it can
> send email to foreign domains.

Which sendmail SPF solution are you using? The milter supports
authentication using SMTP AUTH and TLS but may need tweaking to support
a different mechanism. How is DRAC integrated into your sendmail setup?
Is there a macro set when the client is authenticated?

The auhentication I use is DRAC: Dynamic Relay Authorization Control (http://mail.cc.umanitoba.ca/drac/index.html).

        For integrating it with sendmail I add to the sendmail.cf file:

Kdrac btree /etc/mail/dracd
R$*     $: $&{client_addr}
R$+     $: $(drac $1 $: ? $)
R?      $@ ?
R$+     $@ $#OK

        The above lines are cryptic for me ;)

The /etc/mail/dracd file is a db file (db_dump -p /etc/mail/dracd.db shows the client IP the POP3 server had added)


Paul Howarth <paul(_at_)city-fan(_dot_)org>

Sender Policy Framework: http://spf.pobox.com/
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Wiki: http://spfwiki.infinitepenguins.net/pmwiki.php/SenderPermittedFrom/
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        Un saludo.

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