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RELEASE libspf v0.25 beta

2004-05-14 23:37:46
libspf v0.25 beta is available for download from http://libspf.org

Review the CHANGELOG (http://libspf.org/files/CHANGELOG) to see whats

Notable changes:

- New re-written Sendmail patch submitted by Teddy <teddy(_at_)teddy(_dot_)ch>
which fixes some problems with SASL, and adds a CNAME recursion fix to
libspf its self.

- Solaris support by David Summers 
<david(_at_)summersoft(_dot_)fay(_dot_)ar(_dot_)us> which is
available in the patches directory.

- AMD-64 support by Jason Richey <jasonr(_at_)bomis(_dot_)com> which is 
in the patches directory.

I would like to thank Teddy, David, and Jason for their excellent work
in all of these areas, and Daniel Roethlisberger for all his work in
getting libspf/libsrs subitted to the FreeBSD ports tree.



James Couzens,
http://libspf.org -- ANSI C Sender Policy Framework library
http://libsrs.org -- ANSI C Sender Rewriting Scheme library
PGP: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0xBD3BF855

Sender Policy Framework: http://spf.pobox.com/
Archives at http://archives.listbox.com/spf-discuss/current/
Latest draft at http://spf.pobox.com/spf-draft-200405.txt
Wiki: http://spfwiki.infinitepenguins.net/pmwiki.php/SenderPermittedFrom/
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