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Re: Should SPF be Frozen or Extensible? (XML insights)

2004-05-31 11:54:47

Here is a brief discussion of what the include: and redirect= currently do. This probably has more to do with error handling than with extensibility. The reason I am talking about error handling in this thread is, if unknown keywords are always considered "errors" then maybe some intelligent error handling could give me what I want anyway. If extensibility is allowed some other way, error handling could still be more flexible, but it's not as important.

I think I was getting confused by the Mechanisms page, which has a terse and maybe misleading description of include: -- for one thing, I didn't realize it would be possible to write ?include: and have their Pass result be transformed into an unknown result for me.

The description in the spec itself is more accurate, and includes this table.

      included    include
      query       mechanism      SPF
      result      result         processing
      -------- -- -------------- -------------------------------------
      pass     => match,         return the prefix value for "include"
      fail     => no match,      continue processing
      softfail => no match,      continue processing
      neutral  => no match,      continue processing
      error    => throw error,   abort processing, return error
      unknown  => throw unknown, abort processing, return unknown
      none     => throw unknown, abort processing, return unknown

It goes on to say:

   If the parent domain includes another domain, and that domain one day
   loses its SPF record, it is better for the query to abort with
   "unknown" than to continue on to a potential "-all".

I think I would like to have a better way to handle this case than to always abort with unknown. That has more to do with error handling than extensibility. IF there is a general way to trap results, that could be used as a kind of crude nesting.

redirect= doesn't seem to be suitable for either extensibility or controlled error handling/nesting either, given that it is always executed last, and only one redirect may appear per record.

Greg Connor <gconnor(_at_)nekodojo(_dot_)org>