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Re: Representing SPF at ETC

2004-06-21 02:55:00
On 6/20/04 11:55 PM, Greg Connor sent forth electrons to convey:

SPF Team-

I attended ETC (Email Technology Conference) and did my best to represent SPF to the masses, as Meng was not available to attend this one. Here is a brief recap of the trip.


Ended with a show of hands. How many folks will be implementing Sender ID or something like it within the next year? (About 2/3) How many folks have already implemented Sender ID or something like it? (About 1/4)


After the session, I went out into the crowd to talk to a couple people who had asked questions. One guy had asked if he would need to support XML in his MTA (John L and I both said, "That issue is being hotly debated as we speak") and he expressed that he would never support XML. I figured it would be someone I know from the lists. Turns out it was Julian Haight from SpamCop! (More accurately, SpamCop is from him :)

Interesting. Given the DDoS attacks spamcop.net has weathered, it would be interesting to hear his views on DDoS as it relates to SPF and other MARID proposals. One thing I miss from CSV but have decided to live with is that it uses just one tiny DNS query to accomplish authorization and authentication.

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