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Re: SPF is not usable as legal measure against spammers.

2004-07-17 04:59:46

>Reliably matching up the PTR to the "A" record is virtually impossible.

You create the problem with multiple PTRs per IP, so you can fix it by using the best practice of only one PTR per IP.

Forgetting about the virtual elements, I think its's usefully simplifying to think of "canonical" PTR + A records for a non-virtual domain.tld used in those two DNS records and repeated in SMTP setting as the SMTP-greeting and HELO domain name. The ephemeral virtuals can come and go, but the following 4 settings remain fixed:

d.c.b.a.in-addr.arpa. PTR label.can_domain.tld.

label.can_domain.tld. A a.b.c.d

HELO label.can_domain.tld

220 label.can_domain.tld

The above setting have no relationship or dependency on envelope sender or recipient domains that transit the MTA at that IP, not any relationship with any MX records.


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