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Disappointed, yet..not surprised (was Re: Disappointed)

2004-09-22 20:27:30
To MS I say: shame on you, for trying to take credit for other people's ideas.
Shame on you for taking a "microinvention" such as PRA and trying to use that
to take over all email sender verification world-wide.  

Earlier this month, Matt Sergeant, of Messagegate, for whom I have a
great deal of respect, wrote, of the licensing issues with Sender

"I pressed him: "Will you fix the license?". I never really got a confirmed
yes or no, but my feeling was "no" when we ended the conversation. I
suggested that they give their IP to the IETF (such as I believe there is
precedence of - I know that IBM has committed patents to the public domain
before in a similar act of openness), to which I was told that Craig
believed this was a reasonable idea, but that Bill Gates himself had
vetoed that idea because of the current focus on patent gathering and IPR
issues at Microsoft."

<shaking head>..the more things change, the more they remain the same.
 I don't know how many of you knew Gary Kildall, or are familiar with
his story, but you can read about him here - pay particular attention
to the last paragraph.



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