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OpenSPF.org "main page" wording -- please pick apart

2004-11-10 00:28:55

Here is the wording I currently have updated on the OpenSPF.org website
for your review.  Please suggest better wording, addition and or removal
of any language.

OpenSPF is a portal for information relating to the Sender Policy
Framework ("SPF") as an open community. This open community can best
be defined as individuals who actively work towards furthering what
SPF is and how it is developed in the future. We acknowledge the
tremendous efforts and foresight that Meng Weng Wong and others have
in both starting and developing SPF to the state that it is today.

What SPF has become is a long way from what it started out, and it
continues to show expedient growth with little sign of tapering off. A
consensus has been reached that in order to properly keep people
properly informed about SPF and to further its development a true
representative leadership is now felt necessary. This is the goal of
the SPF Community.

If you are interested in joining this community please carefully read
the "SPF Community Position" below and further sign the pledge if you
agree with it. Subsequent to this, it would be prudent for you to join
the "SPF-DISCUSS" list which is still currently hosted by pobox.com.

Thank you in advance for your participation in helping with this.

Of further Interest, "The SPF Community Position on SenderID" has been
updated to v1.02 and all previous versions are now linked to this.


In addition, HTML and PDF versions of the SPF Community response to the
Microsoft letter is available.

PDF:  http://OpenSPF.org/spfc_ftc.pdf
HTML: http://OpenSPF.org/spfc_ftc.html



James Couzens,
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http://libspf.org -- ANSI C Sender Policy Framework library
http://libsrs.org -- ANSI C Sender Rewriting Scheme library
PGP: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7A7C7DCF

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