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RE: MEDIA: Is Microsoft Ready to Assert IP Rights o ver the Internet?

2004-11-19 09:24:39

IPv4 is over twenty years old. If MSFT is claiming patent rights in 
regard to IPv4 then it seems unlikely that there can be very long 
before they expire.

Friend, you haven't done patent law much.

1: If a patent is  granted, it's valid until it is 
successfully challenged. This lends enormous power to even  
inappropriately granted patents and can be used to chilling 
effect against even legitimate competition using their own 
vaguely similar patented or un-patentable technologies.

US patent rights expire, always have. Old rules 17 years after issue, new
rules 20 years after filing.

Backdated claims are possible but very problematic.

Kindly learn the most basic facts on what you speak before correcting

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