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Transfer of the 'OpenSPF.org' domain name

2005-08-08 21:58:42

I have committed a transfer of the 'OpenSPF.org' domain name using the
following registrant information:

Organization:    Sender Policy Framework Council
First name:      Wayne
Last name:       Schlitt
Address:         4615 Meredeth #9
City:            Lincoln
State:           Nebraska
Postal Code:     68506
Phone            402 450-1515
E-mail address:  wayne(_at_)schlitt(_dot_)net

I am sorry for the delay.

Wayne thanks for raising to your usual level of self control.

For what its worth, no I have not had 10 minutes to transfer this domain
name.  I've been away, and I've been working harder than I believe I
have ever in my life.  I've been granted access to a phenominal
opportunity, and I'm the only developer on this project.  To put it in
perspective we're are working three separate potential avenues of
forward movement with our now complete product, and each of them
involves some very major players.  

One of these involves playing ball with one of the four major cellular
manufacturers.  Did I state that I am the only developer?  I choose my
life over the transfer of a domain name for once, so please forgive me.
I've been on the road, and working enough hours I've actually lost
count.  These deals set the tone for the rest of my life and quite
frankly the less work in the future the better.  I don't think anyone
here can reasonable hold this against me.

Additionally, I found out yesterday my Grandmother is dying, and I've
just gotten back from Seattle picking up my mother from the airport.
I've now got to play householder to her and other family who will be
flying in, all the while attempting to address work related tasks.

Quite frankly, I gave Wayne authoratative control over the domain.  I've
been here a long time, I've just become less vocal through a combination
of not having time or energy to be more vocal and addtionally, it was
requested of me to actually be less vocal.  However, I do read the list,
I read everything thats said in here, and I'm still here, just like I
said I would be.  I transferred the domain just like I said I would.  In
fact, I have done everything I have ever said that I would do, and I'm
insulted at the level of trust displayed by Wayne, however, shamefully
I'm not really surprised.

For what its worth, Wayne originally stated to me, and I quote:

Anyway, thanks again for all that you have done for SPF.  We need more
people like you.

And I responded accordingly:

To be quite frank I'm only still here because I always finish what I
start.  This entire experience has been a demoralizing one, ripe with
flagrant abuses of leadership amongst other communicative disgraces.

I would like to request that you do the following two things, both of
which I believe to be fair requests on my part, and secondly, I'll
state that regardless of your acceptance of either or both I shall be
true to my word and finalize the transfer the domain name over once I
can confirm its all working properly.

#1. Change the wording on the libspf2.org website where libSPF is
referenced inappropriately as "older".  I should like to think you are
capable of providing something vastly more appropriate such as:

* libSPF - ANSI C implementation supporting qmail, Sendmail, Postfix
and Exim.

#2. This one should probably go before the council.

I would appreciate linkage to "http://6o4.ca"; much like the Mozilla
Foundation did when they were given "firefox.com" by Kevin Karpenske:

Thanks for the Domain Name, Kevin!
The Mozilla Foundation thanks Kevin Karpenske, the previous owner of
the Firefox.com domain, for generously having transferred this 
domain to our use for the Firefox web browser. Kevin's site can now
be found at Quailish.com

Thank you in advance for your consideration of these requests.

As you can see, all I asked is that Wayne IMPROVE the wording on
libspf2.org linking to my site as I felt the wording that was previously
there (Wayne would rather remove the link entirely than actually grant
me that courtesy) was insulting.  That an a link to my personal site.
It appears that neither request will be granted, even the latter once
given the myriad of other domain names involved, even though its been
voted that mine will be the one to be used, it appears as though there
is not enough room on the page to meet this request.  However, as I
said, no strings attached, so here is your domain..

At any rate, again everyone, I'm sorry for the hold up, but I'm just
another unpaid volunteer who has expended a lot of time, money, and
energy into this project.  Its a shame that those who should know this
better than anyone are the first to jump on the "James' words are
worthless" wagon.



James Couzens,

http://libspf.org       - ANSI C Sender Policy Framework library
http://ses.codeshare.ca - Signed Envelope Sender, A comprehensive
and simple solution to stopping SMTP forgery.   Please review our
work and find any flaws in our protocol.
PGP: http://pgp.mit.edu:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x7A7C7DCF

"This is not quite as crazy as it sounds, since people knew how
 to write small, efficient programs in those days, a skill that
 has subsequently been lost." -- Andrew S. Tanenbaum

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