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[spf-discuss] Re: [FYI] SIQ, SPF, BATV, etc.

2006-01-01 17:47:13
Stuart D. Gathman wrote:
To be clear, the Custom DNS is *not* a requirement.  Setting
up the simple UDP SES validation server is very easy.  The
only reason for the Custom DNS is the chicken and egg problem
of nobody actually checks SES validation servers, and lots of
people check SPF.

Point.  So "pure SES" doesn't need SPF with SES name server.

For the chicken with too many eggs (MTAMARK, CSV, SPF, SES)
maybe SIQ could act as a uniform lookup interface.  If SES
offers no results that could be cached the mere fact "FQDN
doesn't support pure SES" could be still managed by SIQ, to
avoid pointless queries about some missing eggs.

                        Tnx for info, Frank

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